House Group Guidelines

During this season, our small groups are meeting at different host homes on Wednesday nights from 7-9 P. For questions, concerns, or to get further information on House Groups, email

Thrive House Groups

Right now, we are permitted to meet in socially-distanced groups for ministry purposes. Below is our plan to start off the summer and we will continue to reevaluate week to week. If CDC or other legal recommendations occur, we will be ready to quickly move back to online groups.

Here are a few important notes:

  • Groups will meet OUTDOORS (backyard, driveway, porch, etc.) and will remain socially-distanced. Students will bring and wear masks and the church will provide a basket of supplies for each host home (extra masks, hand sanitizer, etc.).

  • We are working on getting Smart TVs for the group to watch outside so that they can watch the teaching together. (These supplies will cost approximately $150 per small group. If your family is open to contributing the cost to launch a small group, please shoot me an email).

  • We will still have a ZOOM option available (but not the first week). Students can still join their small group over zoom if they are not able to attend physically. If your family is not comfortable with your student joining an in-person group at this point, we completely understand. This is NOT required and your student will be able to stay connected virtually.

  • If your student is not feeling well, has a fever, or is coughing please keep them home or attend via zoom.

  • We will avoid having students enter homes, so please encourage students to use the bathroom before arriving. 

  • Please remind your child to remain socially distant and to not touch others (no hugs, high fives, fist bumps, etc.)

  • Our Small Group Leaders will be present to lead the students and guide them in activities and discussion.

  • Groups will begin at 7pm and end at 9pm. Please be on time with pick up as a courtesy to our generous host homes.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, or concerns.